Vorige edities 2022 2021 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
De pot voor een 300 scratch game staat op € 25,- en wordt wekelijks met € 25,- verhoogd tot deze wordt gewonnen. Dan starten we de week er op weer met € 25,- | Winnaars : Week 6 Jarne Carrasco-Martinez € 150,- | Week 8 Jason Dupay € 50,- | Week 9 Gerrie de Graaf € 25,- | Week 10 Ben Aerts € 25,- | Week 11 Robert Luchain € 25,-


22nd Summer Tournament  home   home_de   home_eng

We're back at STARDUST All American Bowling & Party Lounge for the 22nd edition of the Summer Tournament.

NEW New this year are 4 classifications namely Ladies / Men / Doubles and G Bowlers.

This means that this year there are 76 final places, spread over these rankings.

This year there is prize pool of around €18,000. And after the final and awards ceremony there will be BBQ for everyone to enjoy Participate in. Participation is free for those who have played a minimum 0f 10 series.

Who will walk astyle with the coveted title of winner of the 2024 Summer Tournament this year?


Preferably book online : Reservations
It is also possible to make reservations by telephone +31 - (0)46 - 4523111.

Please note: reservation requires payment.


To make this tournament possible, a large number of sponsors have been found again.

Please visit their website by clicking on the logo and see what they can do for you.

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Proshop BSS Heineken Stardust Rolfina Valcke Restaurant Down Under Desicon Robuust Sligro Sonic Support Selected Classics Noptra Security Rouwhorst MS Patrick My Healtcheck Bowltech Vrumona L1 Limburg Ger Ravenstein Foroxity

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