Individual participants must play a minimum of 10 complete series (i.e. not only paid) of 4 games to qualify for the final.
Doubles must indicate before the start of a series that they are playing as doubles. You must play together on one lane.
The score counts for both players individually as well as for the doubles classification.
Doubles must play at least 5 series as a double and 10 series as an individual to qualify for the final'
It is possible that you will play on a lane next to recreational players in the preliminary rounds, unfortunately this cannot be prevented.
It is advisable to book well in advance so that we can take this into account at the beginning of the evening.
At the beginning of evening/morning, the lanes are oiled once a day.
The scores are immediately processed digitally by the organization. Score forms are available for your own administration
Score corrections must be made by the organization.
The preliminary rounds start on Monday 03-06-2024 at 6:00 PM and last until Thursday 22-08-2024 at 11:00 PM.
The Women's and Men's final is on Sunday 25-08-2024 at 8:30 am..
The final Double classification is on Saturday 24-08-2024 at 9:00 am.
The final G-Bowling rankings will be on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 1:00 PM.
You are requested to be present half an hour before the start of the final.
In situations for which these regulations do not provide, the organization will decide.
The price for a series of 4 games is € 12.50.
The 5 best series count towards the ranking.
You will be given a maximum of 1 hour per series of 4 games with the urge to stick to this.
The playing times are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM.(last start time 22:59)
Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.(last start time 12:59)
Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM we keep 8 lanes reserved for G-Bowlers.
(These are held until 48 hours before the Wednesday in question. After that, regular bowlers can also make reservations for series.)
The week (for determining the weekly prices) runs from Monday 6:00 PM to Sunday 1:00 PM
STANDINGS : LADIES : After the preliminary rounds, the top 8 of the Ladies Ranking including handicap will qualify for the final.
For the 4 best players who have thrown 10 series before 15-07-2024 and are not in the top 8 at the end, 4 extra final places will be awarded.
reserved via the so-called Early Birds Ranking.
MEN : After the preliminary rounds, the top 32 of the Men's Ranking including handicap will qualify for the final.
For the 8 best players who have thrown 10 series before 15-07-2024 and are not in the top 32 at the end, 8 additional final places will be awarded.
reserved via the so-called Early Birds Ranking.
DOUBLES : After the preliminary rounds, the top 12 of the Doubles Classification including handicap qualify for the final.
G-BOWLERS : After the preliminary rounds, the top 12 of the G-Bowlers Ranking including handicap qualify for the final.
In the event of a tie, the participant with the smallesd handicap qualifies.
(from top to bottom)
The bas for calculating the handicap is the bowling pass of the NBF/BBSF/WBU etc.
The average of the 2023/2024 season, valid for matches in 2023/2024.
If a player has multiple passes, the highest average counts.
If you do not have a pass but do have a league average, the arithmetic average is used to calculate the handicap.
If you participated in the summer tournament in 2022 and do not have a national or league average, the average of that tournament will be taken.
If nothing is available, the average is calculated over the first 5 series of the preliminary round. If the average then increases by more than 10%,
the handicap is adjusted proportionately.
In all cases the following applies to the calculation: 80% of 220 ..... ((220 - average) x 80% = handicap).
Only once the average has been determined can you participate for a weekly price.
Oil pattern
Oil and Cleaner from KEGEL.
Please note that the oil and track surface are subject to external influences such as temperature and humidity.
A high-end / mid-range strike ball for the highest series scratch.
A high-end / mid-range strike ball for the highest series handicap.
A mid-range strike ball for the highest game scratch.
A spare ball / low range strike ball for the highest game handicap.
A prize for the most series played that week by 1 participant.
A mystery prize that will be drawn among the participants of the past week. For every series played you receive a digital lottery ticket.
The winner will be drawn at the end of the week. So the more series, the greater the chance.
A prize pool that is increased weekly in the preliminaries by € 25 for a 300 game (scratch).
This prize can only be won once per week and a maximum of 1 per person.
(After the payout, a new prize pool will be started the following week.)
The awards ceremony takes place every Sunday after 1.00 p.m.
(Only series completed before Sunday 1:00 PM will be included in the draw.)
You must have played or prepaid at least 5 series to be eligible for the above prizes.
You can win a maximum of 1 ball.
nr. 1 :         150,00 euro
nr. 2 :         125,00 euro
nr. 3 :         100,00 euro
nr. 4 :         75,00 euro
nr. 5 - 6:     50,00 euro
Men's ranking :
nr. 1 :         250,00 euro
nr. 2 :         200,00 euro
nr. 3 :         150,00 euro
nr. 4 :         100,00 euro
nr. 5 - 10 :   75,00 euro
nr. 11 - 20:   50,00 euro
Double ranking :
nr. 1 :         200,00 euro
nr. 2 :         150,00 euro
nr. 3 - 4:     100,00 euro
nr. 5 - 6 :     75,00 euro
G-Bowling Rankings :
nr. 1 :         125,00 euro
nr. 2 :         100,00 euro
nr. 3 :         75,00 euro
nr. 4 :         50,00 euro
nr. 5 - 6:     25,00 euro
PRIZES AFTER THE FINAL: Women's ranking :
nr. 1 :             400,00 euro
nr. 2 :             300,00 euro
nr. 3 - 4 :       200,00 euro
nr. 5 - 6 :       100,00 euro
nr. 7 - 8 :       50,00 euro
nr. 9 - 12 :     25,00 euro
Men's ranking :
nr. 1 :             500,00 euro
nr. 2 :             400,00 euro
nr. 3 - 4 :       300,00 euro
nr. 5 - 8 :       150,00 euro
nr. 9 - 20 :     100,00 euro
nr. 21 - 30:     50,00 euro
nr. 31 - 40:     25,00 euro
For the Doubles and G Bowlers classification, there will be Sports Prizes for the top 3 after the final.
The Doubles final is on Saturday 24-08-2024 at 9:00 am.
We expect you to be present 30 minutes before the start of the finals to avoid delays. Not present 15 minutes before the start
means that your place is given to someone else.
The lane you play on, on the final day is determined by the ranking after the preliminary rounds.
Final round 1: 09:00
Doubles No. 1 to No. 12 from the preliminary round play 3 games, american style, 2 players per lane.
Score from the preliminary round is cancelled.
The top 3 including handicap will advance to Final Round 2
Final round 2: 10:30 am
Top 3 doubles from final round 1 play 3 games, american style, 2 players per lane.
Score from final round 1 is cancelled.
Standings after 3 games including handicap determine the final ranking.
The awards ceremony will follow.
The final for the G-Bowlers is on Saturday 24-08-2024 at 1:00 PM.
We expect you to be present 30 minutes before the start of the finals to avoid delays. Not present 15 minutes before the start
means that your place is given to someone else.
The lane you play on, on the final day is determined by the ranking after the preliminary rounds.
Final: 1:00 PM
G-Bowlers No. 1 to No. 12 from the preliminary round play 3 games, american style, 1 player per lane.
Score from the preliminary round is cancelled.
Standings after 3 games including handicap determine the final ranking.
The awards ceremony will follow.
The Ladies and Men's final is on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 8:30 AM.
We expect you to be present 30 minutes before the start of the finals to avoid delays. Not present 15 minutes before the start
means that your place is given to someone else.
The lane you play on, on the final day is determined by the ranking after the preliminary rounds.
Final round 1: 08:30
Ladies No. 9 to No. 12 from the preliminary round play 3 games, american style, 2 players per lane.
Score from the preliminary round is cancelled.
The top 2 including handicap will advance to Final Round 2
Men No. 21 to No. 40 from the preliminary round play 3 games, american stylem, 2 players per lane.
Score from the preliminary round is cancelled.
The top 10 including handicap advance to Final Round 2.
Final round 2: 10.15 am
Ladies no. 7 and 8 from the preliminary round and the top 2 of the Final round 1
play 3 games, american style, 2 players per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The top 2 including handicap advance to Final Round 3.
Men No. 11 to No. 20 from the preliminary round and the top 10 of the Final round 1
play 3 games, american style, 2 players per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The top 10 including handicap advance to Final Round 3.
Oil break and lunch break: 12:00 noon
Final round 3: 12.30 pm
Ladies numbers 5 and 6 from the preliminary round and the top 2 from the Final round 2
play 3 games, american style, 2 players per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The top 2 including handicap will advance to Final Round 4
Men numbers 1 to 10 from the preliminary round and the top 10 from the Final round 2
play 3 games, american style, 2 players per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The top 8 including handicap advance to Final round 4
Final round 4: 2.00 p.m.
Ladies numbers 3 and 4 from the preliminary round and the top 2 from the Final round 3
play 3 games, american style, 1 player per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The top 2 including handicap will advance to the Semi-Finals
Men's top 8 from Final round 3 play 3 games, american style, 1 player per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The top 4 including handicap will advance to the Semi-Finals
Oil break: 2:45 PM
Semi-final: 3.15 pm
Ladies numbers 1 and 2 from the preliminary round and the top 2 from the Final round 4
play Best of Three American style, 1 player per lane.
No. 1 plays against No. 4, No. 2 plays against No. 3.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The winners including handicap will advance to the Final
Men's top 4 from Final round 3
play Best of Three American style, 1 player per lane.
No. 1 plays against No. 4, No. 2 plays against No. 3.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The winners including handicap will advance to the Final
Final: 4 p.m.
Women's Semi-Final winners play Best of Three American style, 1 player per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The winner including handicap is the winner in the Ladies class and will play the Grand Final
Men's Semi-Final winners play Best of Three American style, 1 player per lane.
Scores for the preliminary and final rounds are cancelled.
The winner including handicap is the winner in the Men's class and will play the Grand Final
Grand Final: 4.45 pm
The Ladies Class winner plays 1 game including handicap, American style
against the winner of the Men's Ranking.
The winner of this can call himself Mr or Mrs Summer Tournament 2024.
After the final there will be a free BBQ for players who have thrown 10 series or more in the preliminary rounds.
For players who have thrown less than 10 sries and for guests, the contribution is € 10.00to participate in the BBQ.